27 is over… (Updated List)

And just like that a year has flown by. A year that started at an excruciating snail’s pace of awfulness. A year that morphed into something so beautiful. A year that I will never, ever forget or regret. A year that I am so very sad to see end. I am feeling some sort of depression. Almost […]

Only ten to go…

My birthday is in ten days. Ten days. How has this year flown by so quickly? I started two months after my birthday on completing a list of 27 things to do during my 27th year. It was something I challenged myself to do to get over a breakup and move on with my life. […]

I don’t even know what to title this post…so I suppose I won’t…

Lately I have been having problems sleeping. This generally happens any time I am not working. I start staying up late and then sleeping in late and its a never ending cycle. Last night, I was doing this usual cycle and around 3:30am I decided to stop watching Breaking Bad Season 5 which I have […]