Only ten to go…

My birthday is in ten days. Ten days. How has this year flown by so quickly? I started two months after my birthday on completing a list of 27 things to do during my 27th year. It was something I challenged myself to do to get over a breakup and move on with my life. Something to make me grow. To be a better person.

Ten days to go. My list is not complete. And I am pretty much ok with that. I am sad that I won’t be able to cross everything off my list. But the list was a perimeter for me to live life and that is exactly what I did this year.

Last night a few friends and I were sitting around at my favorite bar in Dallas, enjoying a nice night on the patio. And I was asked about my list and how much I had accomplished. I thought for a moment, trying to recount what I had to do. I quickly spouted off that I had completed over half of it but that I hadn’t really looked at it lately.

I pulled my list up and we started talking about the items that still needed to be crossed off. I sort of laughed at the items one by one and said I wasn’t sure how I could possibly get them all in during the next ten days. And then something pretty wonderful happened. My friends started encouraging me to complete the list. They told me it was doable. That they would help me cross off every item.

I can’t tell you how sweet that is to me. My soul was completely touched by their desire to help me reach my goal. So the next ten days will be a push for me to get the rest of my list crossed off. We will see what happens. No matter what I am sure it will prove to be exciting. Wish me luck. And feel free to help me out with any of these…


Here are the items left on my list:

Get a tattoo

Relearn how to swim

Work somewhere besides DTC

Go on at least three dates

Read a book a month

Take a pottery class

Audition for something

Go to three sporting events (one left, unless I count multiple Rangers Games)

Complete first draft of book (There is no way this one can happen)

Write a short story

Clean out house/downsize belongings


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