Some thoughts about my dad

I always feel like my thoughts are important. That they are deep and profound. And that everyone would benefit from hearing them. 

I know this is not always the case. But there are moments in my life where I feel like something significant is happening. A slice of life. Where a moment is so big that it sticks out to me. That I take away from that fleeting moment something that will forever change me. 

Today is my day off. My one day off. I slept in. I went to bed so late last night. But the only thing on my agenda for the day was to have a phone date with my dad. See, my dad is this exceptional human being. I honestly could go on and on about my dad for days and still not say enough great things about him. He is truly a selfless person. And one of the most humble people I know. There are so many great qualities that he possesses that I am lucky enough to have molded in me in some way. 

This past weekend he embarked on a weekend journey of homelessness. Some people may think this is bizarre. Some may think it’s a waste of time. Some may not care at all. But my dad did this incredible thing that makes me so proud to call him my father. He literally put himself in someone else’s shoes for a couple of days and came away changed because of this. 

My phone date was to get the details of his weekend. My mom was in town a couple of weekends ago. She and a friend had told me my dad was about to embark on this adventure of sorts and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I couldn’t ask enough questions about it. I couldn’t completely wrap my brain around it. 

My dad is a compassionate man. He has always been that way. It was so special to hear about his trip. To hear his stories. To picture him roughing it. It touched my heart and started nudging me. So many times lately I have found myself complaining about something and then laughing about it because I say, “first world problems.” We as Americans are so extremely spoiled in so many ways. We always want to be making more money. We always want bigger and better things. Can you imagine giving up all of those things to spend some time with nothing to your name? 

My dad challenged me to go on this trip in this next year. I had already been toying with this idea since my mom had mentioned it. I am ready to experience some life altering things. I am ready to step back from my life and see a bigger picture. I am ready to try and make a larger impact in some sort of way. I am ready for something…big. Something huge. I am ready to do something big. 

I don’t exactly know what I mean by that. And a weekend of homelessness could barely scrape the surface of what I am desiring in my life. But I am looking forward to having this experience. To being able to share something so unique with my dad. He is hoping my whole family will do it. But I think he came to me first because he knows I am fearless. He knows I am his daughter. He knows I will enable the other members of my family to do this with us. 

I tell you these things because there was a moment when I was on the phone with my dad today where I teared up. I do this from time to time when really thinking about my dad (and my mom). I don’t know that this is normal. But the thought of not having them in my life literally breaks my heart. I thought back over the last year and thought about the number of people who lost loved ones. My heart aches for those people. My heart is still completely broken for my Green girls. Even now thinking about your loss brings me to tears. I love you each so much and cannot fathom the deep loss you have felt this year. I am thankful for the tears we cried together. The moments of silence we had together. And the times of laughter we shared this year. I am so moved by the 

Time is fleeting. It flies by so quickly. And I want to make sure I make time to spend it with the people I love. Because I have no idea what tomorrow could bring. Life is so fickle and can be taken away in an instant. I want to make the time I have count here on this earth. 

I want to make my dad proud. I want to make myself proud. 

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