Random Thoughts with Megan

I have been craving physical contact recently. Not too sure what this is about. People touch me literally every day. At work, I am touched all of the time. All. Of. The. Time. I suppose it’s because my body is pretty phenomenal. Or perhaps because I touch others all the time. But I am craving something more than that. Maybe it’s not the physical contact I crave. Maybe, just maybe, I am craving intimacy.

I’ve had a lot of time on my hands lately. This always seems to happen once a show finally opens and my days free up. Instead of doing something worth while with that time, I seem to piss it away sleeping. Or binge watching shows. Or wasting time online. I’m tired of this. I am tired of not doing something more significant with my time.

In the past week, I acquired not one, but two tattoos. Yeah, I have two tattoos now. I am pretty much gangsta through and through. And I have to say I love both of them. I was nervous about having some sort of regret about it. But that hasn’t happened. And won’t happen. They are in the process of healing. It’s possible I will post pictures of them at a later date. But for now, just know that I have two tattoos!

It’s quite difficult for me to describe the level of sexiness I feel with ink on my body. I feel so much more incredibly sexy. For some reason.

My tattoo artist was really easy to talk to and was very inquisitive about my list of 27 things. He asked me tons of questions about it. It was refreshing.

Something happened to me Sunday night. I don’t want to go into any amount of detail. But I do want to say that I am grateful for the friends I surround myself with. It is always nice to think that you know people will have your back when it comes down to it and it something else entirely to see that thought put into action.

A very wise friend said something to me a couple of nights ago that I can’t seem to stop thinking about. He said that I am only responsible for my feelings. I have never thought about it this way. I typically take into consideration so many other people’s feelings before focusing on my own. But I am not responsible for anyone’s feelings but my own.

I have dropped my phone several times in the last week. Last night it finally busted real good. I need to take it to the doctor.

I dance naked in my room. My Sylvan Esso LP just resonates in my soul and makes me want to get down with my big bad self.

I’ve been pretty pensive the last couple of days. I guess that means I have been in a more serious mood than normal.

My birthday is just a couple of days away. I’m not sure how I feel about that.

My sister is moving to Dallas! Let the craziness begin! Can’t wait!!

I’m starting to think I am more normal than I think. I find myself, at times, daydreaming about normal things that I have never wanted before. What is going on with me?

I’m currently reading Marilyn Monroe’s autobiography. It’s interesting.

I just ate a s’more. Ok. I just ate two s’mores.

My legs are shaved. No big deal.

Why does the color mustard make me so happy?

I just want someone to cook for me. All of the time. So I don’t have to. Is this why people get married? I’d consider it if it were.

Traveling is good for the soul. It’s time for me to start thinking about the next couple of trips. I have some time off at the end August and a few weeks at the end of Nov/beginning of Dec. Where should I go? What should I do? So many places I have yet to go. So many friends I would love to see. And yet I find myself being drawn back to a couple of places. Decisions, decisions.

I don’t know what else to say. So many thoughts fill my head all the time. Running through, if only for a moment. Some of them are only for me. Right now I just don’t know what to say.

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