27 is over… (Updated List)

And just like that a year has flown by. A year that started at an excruciating snail’s pace of awfulness. A year that morphed into something so beautiful. A year that I will never, ever forget or regret. A year that I am so very sad to see end. I am feeling some sort of depression. Almost […]

I have this amazing friend…who is doing something pretty spectacular…

I interrupt the regularly scheduled posts about my AMAZING VACATION TO HAWAII because I want to tell you about a pretty extraordinary person in my life. This won’t necessarily be new information. I have talked about this person before. But she deserves a very special shout out. Alett was one of the very first people I met in Dallas. […]

To pack…or not to pack…that is the question.

In 24 hours I will be boarding a plane. I will be tired. No doubt. From finishing all the things I have left to do in the next 24 hours. Because I am the world’s best procrastinator! Ever. My sleeping habits are so jacked that I will just be getting ready to get some sleep. Here’s […]