Random Thoughts with Megan

It is that time again. Time for random thoughts with Megan. Hooray!

It is fascinating to me that dogs can scratch themselves with their feet. Their toe nails. It is absolutely crazy. Can you imagine a human doing this? it makes me laugh thinking about it. Picture it. It’s pretty good.

Penny, the dog, just nestled into my bosom. It was precious. So stinkin’ precious.

I don’t know how to say this…but…Costa Rican men love me. They can’t get enough of me. They apparently really enjoy curvy, pale women with great personalities. I’ll be telling you more about this is another post.

There is this girl. Her name is Tiffany. We share the same birthday. We work together. Sometimes we go to church together. She is beautiful. And makes me laugh. And the more time we spend with each other the more we realize we are even more alike. It’s a little bizarre.

Last night my friend told me that she could tell I was actually tan because my boobs were tan. Ha. I showed her how white part of my boobs were compared to the tan parts.

I have encountered ants more in this last week than I have in years. And it makes me realize…I hate ants. I hate small things that can bite me.

This week of dog watching has taught me a lot of things: 1. It is sometimes nice to have a pet. It is nice to have someone else around. I haven’t felt lonely because the dog is always here. B) I really hate having to give the dog attention when I don’t want to be giving attention. Ie. when I am trying to sleep and she won’t stop trying to get me to pet her. Or when she is all up in my business when I just want a little space. Next – I really, really cannot handle having to deal with other individuals’ bodily functions. I am not made to deal with someone else’s poop that I have to clean up. It is terrible. And makes me want to gag. I assume babies are the same…if not worse. I am just not cut out for that.

Today I am wearing a v-neck navy tshirt from Old Navy. It is almost a decade old. I got in on clearance for $2. And I have received so many compliments on it. I’m assuming because it makes me boobs look pretty amazing. It always comes back to the boobs.

I really want a high waisted bikini. My friend and I discussed this a lot during our Costa Rican vacation. I took three swimsuits. Two which are vintage. And one tankini. I am a very curvy girl. A bikini just isn’t a good option for my body in it’s current state. But a high waisted bikini could be amazing. Of course I would have to find the perfect bikini top that could support my girls and still look good. Sometimes being a woman is rough.

I’m terrified of looking at my credit card bill this month. The vacations are stacking up. Which isn’t a terrible thing. But I don’t want to think about what I need to pay off.

The Tony Awards were this past Sunday. These are the highest esteemed awards you can win in my industry. It was quite heartbreaking to hear that starting with next year they are going to stop giving out a Tony for Best Sound Design of a musical and a play. Sound Designs can make or break a show. Without sound a show can be lifeless. They already give out the awards for best designs before the live broadcast. What is next?…are they going to take away all of the design awards? Is it really going to only be about actors from here on out? The reason I am in love with my art form…with theatre…is because it is all about a group of people coming together to create something together. Without one of those people you end up with something that is subpar. It is just ridiculous in my opinion. However humble it may be.

My brother and his wife – wait for it – bought a house this week. They bought a house. My little mind can barely wrap around that. Perhaps because I am no where near being in a place financially where I could even consider buying a house. They just went out and bought a house. It makes me feel so very much like a kid at the adults’ table. Trying to play the part. Trying to fit in. I am happy for them. Extremely happy for them. I just cannot even imagine.

I want a house.

A cute house.

I really wish I was equipped to make my own music. I wish I had learned how to play multiple instruments. I grew up in a family where my dad was/is an extremely talented musician. My brother, in college, started playing the guitar. And my sister can rock out on so many percussion instruments…and the guitar…and a little piano. She writes her own songs. I do not measure up. And it makes me sad.

I feel like I used to be slightly annoyed sometimes by my dad playing the guitar all of the time while we were growing up. But now that I have lived away from them for so long…and with people who are not musicians…I miss music filling the house.

There is this person in my life that beings out a completely different side of me. It is refreshing. And exciting. That is all I am gonna say about that.

Someone at work a few days ago asked me about the boy in my life. I laughed. Out loud. And asked what in the world she was talking about. She said she thought there was a boy. I laughed some more. And assured her there was no boy. No nobody. Just me.

My parents are coming to town this weekend. We are going to celebrate Father’s Day. The less I see them it is more apparent that they are aging when I do see them. I don’t mean that in any sort of mean or rude way. It is just always so interesting how much someone’s appearance can change in even short amount of time when you don’t physically see them every day. I posted a TBT photo of me as a cheerleader my junior year of high school today. I look so incredibly young. And yet to me I look sort of the same. But it’s because I see my face every day. It isn’t as apparent to me the changes that I go through as it is to my someone who doesn’t see me every day.

Confession: I definitely binge watched Orange Is The New Black after I got back from Costa Rica. I tried not to. I tried to keep calm about it. But I watched six to eight episodes in one setting. Ahh. It’s so addicting. And terrible when it’s right at your fingertips and you know you can watch one episode after the other. Especially when you aren’t working.

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