Random Thoughts with Megan

Mondays are the best days. Perhaps I only feel that way because it is my one day off a week. I’m sure if I had a typically 9-5 I would likely think Mondays are the worst days. But for now – they are glorious to me. Never mind that I woke up naturally before 10am…or that I have already done laundry and deep cleaned my kitchen. Or that I need to clean the rest of my house. It is my day off. And I can choose to do with it whatever I want. A nap will be in store for me soon. 

There is nothing sexier than a person who is musically inclined. One of my biggest…I’m not sure of the word…regrets…but that is way too strong and we have already established I don’t really have those…upsets maybe…is that I never learned how to play an instrument. I would be such a sexy musician…I think…or atleast I picture myself being sexy musician. I took piano lessons for a year in elementary school but didn’t stick with it. I always focused on vocal lessons from that point on…and now I hardly ever sing any more which is a little sad. I really would love to learn how to play the Cello. Perhaps it will be a new goal for myself. 

Sunday marked the closing of Sherlock Holmes at DTC. I typically am a little sad for shows to end. I didn’t really feel that way about this one. I will be sad to not see those people I worked with every day. This show tested me in so many ways. It pushed me. It forced me to grow in my craft. I feel like I gained a wealth of knowledge over five years in the two months I worked on this show. I would love the chance to go back and try it again to fix so many of the mistakes that were made but I’m also extremely happy that isn’t actually a realistic option. It is time to move on to the next thing. 

One more thing about Sherlock and then I will be done – I have already experienced over this past year the deep care and support that my coworkers offer to me. These people love me. They support me. They protect me. These people have my back in a multitude of ways. I have known this. But this experience shed even more light on this for me. They were my rocks. They were my cheerleaders who pushed me when I wanted to throw in the towel. I couldn’t ask for anything better than what they give me day in and day out in the best and worst circumstances. And I know that is rare. I am grateful. The end. 

I have been drinking…quite regularly…over the past couple of months. This also isn’t new. I enjoy going out. I enjoy conversation with people. I enjoy just sitting outside on a patio with a beverage in hand taking in Dallas in the spring in all it’s glory. Alcoholism runs in my family so I have to be more careful with my habits than other people. The biggest problem is that I have a very high tolerance. I generally only have a drink or two which doesn’t really have any sort of effect on me. It slightly relaxes me and that is about it. It would take so much alcohol to actually intoxicate me. I don’t really know where I am going with this…other than sometimes people wonder if I drink too much. I don’t. That is all. 

This time next week I will be in Costa Rica! I am beyond excited! I haven’t really taken much time to plan anything out yet and that is ok. All that matters is that I have a new passport, I will board a plane, and fly to Costa Rica with my lovely friend, Cailin. I will vacate my life for 5 nights of exotic adventures. I will get a new stamp in my passport. I’m so lucky. 

When I am at home and in my bedroom I am typically in panties and a tshirt. This is my around the house look. I am most comfortable like this. But it makes me wonder what other people wear while they are lounging around the house. Most women…especially with large breasts…will remove their bras right away when getting home. But what do men do? Do they lounge around in their boxer briefs? Or shorts? 

I sat around the other night and listened to a group of people talk very explicitly about different types of drugs. They were so knowledgable. And I had no clue what they were talking about. I really am incredibly innocent. 

Every day I go through a process of either thinking I am the sexiest person alive and loving my body exactly how it is…or hating everything about my body and thinking I need to run more, eat less, or do x,y,&z to be skinnier. This is what it is like to be a woman in the 21st century. Today – I don’t care. I should be trying to thin up a little for my trip to Costa Rica and I just don’t care. I don’t care that I don’t have a flat stomach. I love that I am curvy and full figured and I am not going to not enjoy my life in order to be smaller. 

Monday I got a haircut…and I can’t put into words exactly how sexy I feel…but I will try…I feel sexy! Ha. 

I have this friend. His name is Blake. He is one of my all time favorite people. His soul and my soul just get each other. We have the most fantastic of times together. Monday we went out to dinner for Memorial Day and as we were getting in the car to head back to his place for a night cap, he looked at me and said…something similar to this…”you know I’m not all mushy and I don’t really talk about my feelings but you should know that (insert favorite mushy thing here).” Basically he loves me. Not in a we are getting married sort of way. He is not interested in the female anatomy. But my life is infinitely better with him in it. And I love that we don’t have to say “I love you” ever. It is built in. We just know it.

What does one pack to go to Costa Rica on an adventure? I need to start planning this trip that is happening on Saturday!!! Ahh!!!!

At dinner the other night, Blake and I were discussing my list and what still needs to be crossed off. I told him that after this year I plan on doing an even bigger and better list of 30 things to do before I am 30. But this year, these experiences I have been apart of, these items I have crossed off, have made me such a better person. If you could compare where I was a year ago and the person I am today I don’t know that you would recognize them to be the same person. I feel so much better in my skin. Honestly, I am pretty convinced I am one of the coolest people in the world. Ha. 

I need a make out buddy. I’ll accept applications now. 

It baffles me when it rains and there are no clouds in the sky. And its sunny. Why ya gotta be all confusing? 

In honor of the passing of Maya Angelou: 


“Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I’m telling lies.
I say,
It’s in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.” 

I get excited about people who are intriguing to me. I don’t really know where I am going with that. But it’s true. There is something incredibly sexy about people who are intriguing or a little mysterious I guess. 

I have been booking lots of travel for my company lately. And it’s quite exhilarating spending someone else’s money. You should try it sometime. This makes me want a sugar daddy. Or momma. I don’t discriminate against people showering me with money and gifts. Ha. 

I have been thinking about two celebrations that I will have coming up in July. The first is my one year anniversary of being single. I need to do something special to commiserate this. Something small. And then, more importantly, my birthday! I’ll be turning 28. And I have been fantasizing about a party at a roller rink. Possibly 80s themed. Lots and lots of spandex. And crimped hair. 

Today I bought a skort. The fact that, a) I am admitting this and 2. this is still an option is hilarious to me. I went to Target to find a great maxi dress for my trip…and I did. But I also left with a navy skort with white hearts on it. It is adorable. And takes me back to a much simpler time. I literally sent my mom a text with a picture of me in it (to which she replied that i am cute) and said “The 90s are officially back in full force.” Skorts are better than Jorts! 

I need some new flats. If you know me and see me on a regular basis – you know I basically wear flats each day. I have lots of different pairs. But my red ones…which happen to be my favorite…are trying to fall apart of me. 

I wish it were acceptable to take naps at work. I find that when working “normal people” hours (9-5, or 10-6 in my case) I really would be so much more productive if I could take a 30 minute nap at some point after lunch. I would even bring a blanket to nap on. Do you remember having to take something to kindergarten for naps? This was genius. It should bleed over into our adult world. 

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